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Tax Planning &

Whilst the tax regime in the UK can be extremely complex, it does afford considerable opportunity for efficient tax planning. In many ways, there are far greater opportunities that would arise than with a simpler taxation system.


The Chowdury Accountants experience and expertise in this complex area allows us to strike that fine balance of meticulous planning, meaning we can maximise tax relief, whilst avoiding falling foul of penalties and interest levied by HMRC.

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What you will get from us

Tax Planning And Strategies Accountants

We are here to make sure that you’re not paying too much tax. Tax planning is a core activity of the Chowdury Accountants.


We can tell you if you’re paying too much tax

We have a comprehensive tax checklist to make sure you really are paying the lowest amount of tax possible. If any of these apply to you:

  • Purchase of freehold or long leasehold property in excess of £500k

  • Expenditure on research and development of products or systems

  • Surplus cash on your balance sheet

  • Using contractors within your business

  • You are a contractor subject to IR35

  • Have a company car

…then there may be opportunities we can help you with.


Limited Company – to be or not to be?

If you are trading as a sole trader or partnership then there is definitely an opportunity to reduce your ongoing tax liabilities and at the same time enjoy a one-off windfall. Find out how much this could be by arranging a meeting.


PAYE health check

Making sure your PAYE and NIC affairs are up to date and correct.


VAT health check

Making sure the ever-more complex VAT legislation is correctly applied and that you are reclaiming all your entitlements.


Remuneration planning

Your key people (and that includes you) are extremely important to the success of your business; it is therefore essential that everyone is kept highly motivated.

There are other alternatives that can lead to far higher levels of motivation and productivity – and which can also be more tax efficient.


If you think your business would benefit from any of The Chowdury Accountants Tax Planning Services, call now to arrange a no-obligation FREE Business Development Review.

To arrange your FREE initial consultation

Call 0161 222 4647

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